Recommended reading for parents/carers:
– Growing a reader from birth: Your child’s path from language to literacy.
Prof Diane McGuinness. Pub. Norton. 2004.
Understanding a child’s emerging language from first babblings to a five-year-old’s mastery of reading – and a useful layperson’s guide to speech development.
– A Parent’s Guide to Phonics: Understanding How to Help your Child with Reading and Spelling.
Ann Sullivan. Pub. DK. 2024.
”The book is written using accessible, jargon-free language that is easy to follow and understand.”
It explains how reading and spelling are taught using a high-quality phonics programme.
There is a section on teaching phonics to pupils with special educational needs.
One-page outline of research-based ‘Principles that Teachers Need to Follow’, including
the three activities that teachers and home-educating parents should avoid.
Principles derived from McGuinness’s Prototype for Teaching the English Alphabet Code
(McGuinness 2004 ERI. p323)
Fiona Nevola. Sound Reading System Teachers’ Handbook. 2013 edition. N.B. read only.
Primarily aimed at parents and carers, this is a collection of high-quality phonics resources suitable for teaching reading and spelling to pre-schoolers -> 6yrs old:
Sounds-Write’s FREE, online phonics Part 1 (Initial Code Units 1-7) course for parents/carers/homeschoolers: teach your rising 4-6 yr old child how to read and spell. Both parts are compatible with the DfE-validated phonics programmes taught in England’s primary schools.
Help your child to read and write Part 2 (Initial Code Units 8-11)
£. Sounds-Write Activity Book for Part 1 (Initial Code Units 1-7)
To use alongside Sounds-Write’s Udemy course part 1.
£ Sounds-Write Activity Book for Part 2 (Initial Code Units 8-11)
To use alongside Sounds-Write’s Udemy course part 2.
Both books are available from Amazon.
£. App for iPad only. Sounds-Write’s Linguistic Phonics Initial/Basic Code app. 1st three units are free. This app offers a variety of activities to develop the skills of blending and segmenting sound-spelling correspondences, with words and sentences for reading and writing.
N.B. Parental/carer supervision is needed when using the app.
Free to download and print: First Phonics Picture Book for pre-schoolers -all 44 sounds covered.
FREE Phonics decodable books:
First Steps. 12 initial code stories (units 4->) Free pdf e-book versions
Suitable to use alongside the Sounds-Write online Udemy course for parents – see above.
For initial code stories (units 1-3) see ‘Launchers’ series.
For more decodable books (£) to use with the Sounds-Write programme: