Early Reading Instruction: what science really tells us about how to teach reading.
Diane McGuinness. MIT Press. 2004.
Prof. McGuinness describes the book as, ”largely an inductive analysis of the historical evidence and the empirical research on reading instruction.”
”This book changed my life. Buy it. Read it. Be research-informed” (Anne Glennie. 2022)
”You can do no better than to read Diane McGuinness’ masterful, Early Reading Instruction: What Science Really Tells Us about How to Teach Reading” says English teacher and academic author David Didau.
Language Development and Learning to Read: the scientific study of how language development affects reading skill.
Diane McGuinness. MIT Press. 2005.
The equally informative companion volume to Diane McGuinness’ Early Reading Instruction.
Why Children Can’t Read: and what we can do about it.
Diane McGuinness. Pub. Penguin UK. 1998. 2nd edition. Out of Print.
USA. First Touchstone edition 1999. In Print. Why Our Children Can’t Read: and what we can do about it. Pub. Simon&Schuster.
With a foreword by Prof. Steven Pinker: ”(O)ne of the most important books of the decade.”
”A superb achievement…This clearly written and authoritative work is the work to read for parents and teachers who wish everyone in our democracy to be able to read.” (E.D. Hirsch, Jr.)
”If you only ever read two books about language and literacy, make them “The Language Instinct” by Steven Pinker and “Why Children Can’t Read” by Diane McGuinness.”
Language at the speed of sight: How we read, why so many can’t, and what can be done about it.
Mark Seidenberg. Pub. Basic Books. 2017.
Primary teacher training essential text.
The Art & Science of Teaching Primary Reading.
Christopher Such. Pub. Corwin. 2021.
Primary teacher training essential text.
Phonics and the Resistance to Reading.
Mike Lloyd-Jones. Pub. Howl Books. 2013. Kindle edition available.
”(A) robust demolition of the arguments put up against phonics and an exposure of the damage and harm resulting from the longstanding muddle of teaching reading using ‘mixed methods.’’
DfE: The Reading Framework. 2023.
DfE guidance for teaching Reception (4-5 year olds) to Year 9 (13-14 year olds).
”It includes lots about synthetic phonics and developing spoken language for the foundations and then fluency, wide reading and reading for pleasure.” (Elizabeth Nonweiler)
Ofsted Research Review Series. English. 2022.
Sounds-Write’s English Spellings: A Lexicon.
Free to read online.
That Spelling Thing Handbook.
Tricia Millar.
Fast first-aid for spelling difficulties using linguistic phonics, with lessons and resources for teachers in secondary, college and adult education. https://thatspellingthing.com/about-the-book/
”That Spelling Thing’ teaches children how to spell *everything* (not just spelling lists) & is deeply rooted in best research and practice.” (Monique Nowers. specialist reading&spelling tutor)
Essay ‘Leading to fluency’ by The Reading Ape in The researchED Guide to Leadership. 2020
Chapter 4 in Handbook of Early Literacy Research. Volume 2. Ed. by Dickinson & Neuman. Pub. Guilford
Literacy Development: Insights from Research on Skilled Reading.
Ashby & Rayner.
Chapter 27 in Handbook of Orthography and Literacy. Ed. by Joshi and Aaron.
Theoretical Framework for Beginning Reading in Different Orthographies.
Philip H K Seymour.
Chapter 9 in Wiley Handbook of Developmental Psychology in Practice: Implementation and Impact.
The trials & tribulations of changing how reading is taught in schools: synthetic phonics & the educational backlash.
R. Johnston & J. Watson.
Gove’s Greatest Contribution?
Timothy Mills. Pub. Buckingham Journal of Education. 2021.
Free. http://www.ubplj.org/index.php/TBJE/article/download/1934/1639
Paper on the DfE’s battle, led by government ministers Michael Gove and Nick Gibb, to remove balanced literacy teaching from England’s primary schools and replace it with systematic, synthetic phonics.
Progressively Worse: The burden of bad ideas in British schools.
Robert Peal. Pub. Civitas. 2014.
Free pdf https://www.civitas.org.uk/pdf/ProgressivelyWorsePeal.pdf
Rose Review 2006. Independent Review of the Teaching of Early Reading.
Free download. Foundation document for synthetic phonics teaching.
Reading in the Brain: the science and evolution of a human invention.
Stanislas Dehaene. Pub. Penguin. 2009.
Thinking Reading: what every secondary teacher needs to know about reading.
James and Dianne Murphy. Pub. John Catt Educational Ltd. 2018.
Recommended reading for all secondary teachers.
Progress in Understanding Reading and Learning to Read: From Politics to Science.
Keith Stanovich. Pub. Guilford Press. 2000.
Free. Chapter 10. Matthew effects in reading: Some consequences of individual differences in the acquisition of literacy http://www.keithstanovich.com/Site/Research_on_Reading_files/RRQ86A.pdf
Free. Chapter 20. Romance & Reality.
The Clackmannanshire study: A Seven Year Study of the Effects of Synthetic Phonics Teaching on Reading and Spelling Attainment.
Johnston & Watson. 2005.
Foundational research on UK-style synthetic phonics.
Free. https://dera.ioe.ac.uk/id/eprint/14793/1/0023582.pdf
A Parent’s Guide to Phonics: Understanding How to Help your Child with Reading and Spelling.
Ann Sullivan. Pub. DK. 2024.
”The book is written using accessible, jargon-free language that is easy to follow and understand.”
It explains what phonics is and how reading (and spelling) are taught using a high-quality phonics programme. There is a section on teaching phonics to pupils with special educational needs.
Growing a reader from birth: your child’s path from language to literacy.
Diane McGuinness. Pub. Norton. 2004.
Understanding a child’s emerging language from first babblings to a five-year-old’s mastery of reading.
”For anyone with young children and nursery/early years teachers, it’s brilliant” says John Walker.
Free. ‘Dyslexia’ Chapter 8. 2008 (permission granted). Hugo Kerr.
Free. 2004. Developmental dyslexia in adults: a research review.
The Dyslexia Debate Revisited.
Elliott & Grigorenko. Pub CUP. 2024.
This 2nd edition (1st edition 2014) is completely updated and greatly extended. It is the definitive text on the subject of dyslexia.
1997. Why Schoolchildren Can’t Read.
Bonnie Macmillan. Pub. IEA Studies in Education.
Now FREE to read online (permission granted): http://howtoteachreading.org.uk/resources/
1996. Reading Fever: why phonics must come first.
Martin Turner & Tom Burkard. Pub. CPS.
Free. https://cps.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/111027152221-ReadingFever.pdf
1985. When Children Don’t Learn: understanding the biology and psychology of learning disabilities.
Diane McGuinness. Pub. Basic Books.
Sex differences in language, reading, maths, hyperactivity (ADHD) and the implications for classroom and parenting practices.
1981. Why Johnny STILL can’t read: a new look at the scandal of our schools.
R. Flesch. Pub. HarperCollins.
Follow up to his earlier influential polemic -see below.
1965. In Spite of the Alphabet: a study of the teaching of reading.
Hunter Diack. Pub. Chatto & Windus.
History of the teaching of reading in the UK. Diack was a joint author of the phonics-based ‘Royal Road Readers’ available in the 1960s.
1955. Why Johnny Can’t Read: and what you can do about it.
R. Flesch. Pub. HarperCollins.
The original ‘Why…’ book on teaching reading.
1898. On the Teaching of English Reading
Nellie Dale.
Free. http://ia902307.us.archive.org/10/items/onteachingofengl00daleuoft/onteachingofengl00daleuoft.pdf
1866. Reading without tears, or, A pleasant mode of learning to read.
Favell Lee Mortimer.
Free. http://books.google.com/books?id=p5oNAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=reading%2Bwithout%2Btears&as_brr=1#v=onepage&q&f=false