All children should be taught to read using ”a vigorous programme of phonics work…securely embedded within a broad and rich language curriculum” (Rose review 2006)
Check that your school’s phonics programme is fail-safe:
How well does it fit the Diane McGuinness Prototype for Teaching the English Alphabetic Code?
A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing a YR / KS1 Mainstream Phonics Programme – based on DfE (England) guidance. Elizabeth Nonweiler.
”Decisions, decisions – can research help identify the best phonics programme?
UK-style synthetic phonics and linguistic phonics programmes have much in common but they do have some differences. Learn about those differences here (scroll down):
Linguistic phonics programmes and training (UK-based):
Sounds~Write (S-W)
This scripted linguistic phonics programme is DfE (England) validated for use as a whole-class programme in YR/KS1. It has also been quality assured and formally endorsed by the DfE of Western Australia and approved by the Colorado Department of Education (USA) as an evidence-based phonics provider.
It includes all the common spelling code and teaches decoding and spelling in tandem from the start. In addition, it includes a polysyllable word spelling (2-6 syllables) level.
As this is an instruction-led approach, the teaching manual and photocopiable materials are only available with face-to-face or online training. No yearly subscription is required.
– £. An online Vocabulary and Spelling course (with manual) for whole-class teaching throughout KS2 (years 3-6): this course builds on KS1 linguistic phonics. It includes morphology, etymology and polysyllable word building and is open to teachers who have completed S-W’s KS1 phonics training.
– FREE online ‘Help your child to read and write’ Part 1 (Initial Code Units 1-7): a practical course for parents/carers/homeschoolers: teach your rising 4-6 yr. old child how to read and spell.
– FREE online ‘Help your child to read and write’ Part 2 (Initial Code Units 8-11)
– £. Sounds-Write’s initial code app for iPad.
”This app offers a variety of activities to develop the skills of blending and segmenting, sound spelling correspondence, word reading and writing and some sentences reading and writing”. N.B. Parental/carer/tutor supervision is recommended when using the app.
The Sound Reading System (SRS)
SRS is a scripted linguistic phonics 1-1 intervention programme that teaches struggling / dyslexic readers of any age how to read and spell. The programme is based on the research and prototype of Prof. Diane McGuinness and adapted, with her permission, by Fiona Nevola.
It includes all the common spelling code and teaches decoding and spelling in tandem from the start. In addition, it includes a polysyllable word spelling level.
A fully decodable story (plain text suitable for annotation) is provided for each focus phoneme.
SRS is used as a 1-1 intervention in private tutoring, schools, academies, FE colleges and youth offender institutions. It can also be adapted to use as a whole-class early reading programme or as a KS2 spelling programme.
SRS training is available face-to-face or NEW online. See the website for details.
Phonics for Pupils with Complex Special Educational Needs
A linguistic phonics 1-1 programme, published as a series of photocopiable books and designed to be used for initial instruction with pupils in specialist settings or as an intervention for those with complex needs ”including non-verbal pupils and those with significant motor skill difficulties (or both)”..
That Reading Thing:
Provides online training in a linguistic phonics one-to-one intervention programme, specifically designed to be used with pupils at secondary schools, post-16 teens and adults (RA.8+). On the subject of teaching reading in prisons, programme author Tricia Millar says ”Over 240 education staff are either using, training or getting started with That Reading Thing across almost all prisons in England.”
– That Spelling Thing:
£. A handbook with lessons and resources to provide a rapid spelling intervention for pupils at secondary school, post-16 teens and adults (SA.8+).
Decodable Books to use with Linguistic Phonics programmes:
All DfE validated YR/KS1 phonics programmes must have a ”fully published collection of matching resources including decodable books – fully decodable books are an essential part of a complete SSP programme.”
Sounds~Write decodable storybooks (£) initial and extended code sets -see the website for details.
-Two sets of non-fiction (£) (Animals / Countries) decodable books with a high ratio of text to illustration, ”suitable for Y1 onwards as well as for intervention”
-FREE. First Steps. 12 initial code (unit 4->) stories: sign up with your email for the free pdf e-book versions. For S-W initial code units 1-3 see Phonic Books storybooks ‘Launchers’ below.
-FREE set of e-books for children taking their first steps into the Extended Code
– £. Decodable storybooks for YR/KS1
– £. Decodable non-fiction for YR/KS1
– £. Decodable books for intervention: designed for older, struggling readers aged 8-14+ (KS2/KS3)
Each decodable book series has a linked photocopiable workbook with writing/spelling practice sheets and games
All books follow the Sounds~Write GPC introduction order.
Phonics Games:
Phonic Books:
£. Dandelion Board Games: Five attractive packs of phonics code games that are directly linked to stories in the Dandelion decodable books.
£. Talisman Card Games: Ten sets of beautifully illustrated card games that reinforce phonics skills for catch-up readers. Starting at CVC word level, the sets introduce consonant digraphs and alternative spellings for vowel sounds.
Free. Fantasy Phonics: a reading and spelling game to print (KS2+) Can be played at any stage in a phonics programme (players read and spell words and sentences appropriate to the level at which they are working):
Sounds-Write’s linguistic phonics workbooks:
Two photocopiable workbooks (£) with phonics games and activities for the Initial Code and the Extended Code are available from and Amazon UK.
FREE 60-page e-book to download with a selection of extended code games suitable for Y1/Y2:
”The activities can be used whole class, in small groups and in one-to-one settings, as well as for homework or home-schooling. Each activity has clear instructions so that teachers, teaching assistants, parents or carers know how to use them”
£. download-and-print set of games for explicitly teaching and practising Set for Variability skills (4th characteristic of the English alphabet code – one spelling can represent several sounds)
Phonics crosswords – the good and the bad + link to a site where you can make your own crosswords.
Download this free spelling game that uses advanced/complex code with code overlap.
£. Linguistic phonics word-building card games to print out + videos to show you how to play the games.
£. Downloadable phonics playing cards. 5 of the 30 decks are free + with video demonstrations of games to play.